Friday, June 20, 2008


Today was the day of Riley's surgery for his hydrocele hernia. It was just a quick, out-patient procedure, but it still ended up being a long day. It started at 4:45 when Riley woke up wanting his bottle. Of course, he wasn't allowed to have anything to eat or drink this morning, so we couldn't give him his bottle (of water). We were at the hospital by 6:30, and they were wheeling him into the OR by 8. It only took an hour and we ended up being able to leave by 11. Not too bad.

I realized something when I was sitting in the post-op room holding Riley. I realized that I have sat in that room, watching my boys wake up from anesthesia 8 times. Today was number 8. Trae has had 6 surgeries and this is Riley's #2. In August will be #9 and 10 with Trae and Riley's dental surgeries and Trae's heart surgery will be #11. Wow. So, today I have just been wondering why. A lot of parent's will never have to sit in that room waiting for their child to wake up. Why did God choose me? Why did He think that I would be strong enough? Don't get me wrong, I think I am strong enough. I really was fine today - I wasn't crying or anything like that. I just wonder what makes me so special that God would give me the job of being a mother to these precious boys, and what made him know that I would be able to handle everything they have had to go through. I really don't know. But it is a job that I will gladly take on. I don't like seeing them being wheeled into surgery. It's actually a horrible feeling, putting your child's life in the hands of strangers. But, I guess being a parent is knowing what is best for your kids, even if it will be uncomfortable for them for a while. Maybe sitting on the other side of the hospital bed will help me to be a better nurse to my patients and their families.

By the way, if you're wondering what Trae's 6 surgeries are: Hernia's on both sides (age 17m and 5 yr), on his finger when the tip got cut off when it was shut in a door ( age 3), dental surgery (age 5), his adenoids removed and blood vessels cauterized in his nose to stop his weekly nose bleeds (both age 6). Quite a lot for a little boy!


P-Fro said...

You are a great mother!! The boys and I are truly blessed to be loved by you.

megalu said...

i belive God didnt pick you buy knew you would be able to help so many other people going threw either the same thing or the farthest from it...i love you and you family more everyday. your the strongest person i know..

Anonymous said...

Oh drowsy Riley. I'm so glad it surgery went well!! You both a quite troopers for going through all this. Wish I was close to help out! Love you all! Erin

ajaischil2823 said...

poor little guy~ praying things are going well by the time I post this response.
I think most of this comes from us having these earthly bodies, in a very imperfect world. But from what I can tell~ each surgery has come through for the boys. You have trusted God to protect your boys, and he's been faithful to you.
It takes a very dedicated, strong woman to go through this~ God bless you for it! =)